
Red Beet ''Rodina'' F1.
A mid-early hybrid with excellent technological qualities. The root crop is cylindrical, dark red, weighing 280-350 g. The pulp is dark burgundy, tender, juicy, without coarse fibers and rings, excellent ..
Semi-sugar fodder beet "Ursus Poly" - Beta vulgaris L. var. crassa Mansf.
Multigerm, polyploid, cylindrical. Also suitable for manual cleaning. Orange-yellow root. Immersion in soil 40%.
Excellent pet food, increases milk production...
Semi-sugar fodder beet "Ursus Poly" - Beta vulgaris L. var. crassa Mansf.
Excellent feed for domestic animals, increases milk yield.
Multi-sprout, polyploid, cylindrical. Suitable for manual harvesting. Orange-yellow root crop with a..
Swiss chard "Bright Lights" (mix of colours).
Appropriate not only in the garden, but also in the flower garden!
Grow within 50-60 days after seeding. Leaves and stalks are used for food. Cultivated as red beet, larger spaces are left bet..
Spinach beet "Rhubarb Chard".
Mid-season variety. Easy to grow, harvested 60 days after sowing. In mild winters, the roots can be covered and left to overwinter in the soil.
They are used for soups, steamed, added to salads, leaf stalks c..
Rhubarb Chard.
Easy to grow, harvested in 60 days after sowing. In mild winters the roots can be covered and overwinter in the soil.
They are used for soups, steamed, are added to salads, leaf stems can be canned.
1,0 g = 45-55 seeds.
A ver..
Rhubarb Chard.
Easy to grow, harvested in 60 days after sowing. In mild winters the roots can be covered and overwinter in the soil.
They are used for soups, steamed, are added to salads, leaf stems can be canned.
1,0 g = 45-55 seeds.
A ver..
Swiss chard "Verde a Costa bianca" (Spinach beet).
Medium early variety with erect large green leaves with a wide white root.
1,0 g = 40-50 seeds.
Swiss chard "Verde a Costina bianca".
Medium early variety with erect large green leaves with a wide white root.
1,0 g = 40-50 seeds.
Spinach Beet "Rhubarb Chard"
Easy to grow, harvested in 60 days after sowing. In mild winters the roots can be covered and overwinter in the soil.
They are used for soups, steamed, are added to salads, leaf stems can be canned.
Sugar beet - Beta vulgaris L. var. altissima.
In the first year, it develops a strong root system, tops and a thick, fleshy root vegetable with a rich supply of sugar and other nutrients.
The sugar beet root crop is white in color and has a regular..
Spinach Beet "Gele Sier" (Swiss Chard).
The crop is harvested 57-60 days after sowing. Leaves are slightly wrinkled, juicy, green with yellow veins.
The stems are yellow. Young leaves are suitable for salads and snacks. Gro..
Spinach Beet (mix): "Five Colours".
Organic seeds for a healthier life.
* Preparing chard seeds for sowing.
The seeds, tested for germination, are soaked in one of the following nutrient solutions:
— 1/4 teaspoon of boric a..
Spinach beet "Blonde a carde Blanche 2" (Swiss chard).
Mid-early variety with erect large dark green leaves with a wide white petiole.
Ripens on the 55th day after transplanting. Undemanding to the soil, resistant to frost.
Harvesting ca..